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Lesson 4: Imaginary Animal Collage


We will create an imaginary animal collage to prepare for our collage puppet. Students will cut shapes using scissors and arrange different compositions before gluing. Students will understand how the collage process helps them explore and discover new ideas.

Grade Level



Drawing, Collage, Puppetry

  • Unit & Lessons
  • Teaching Tools


  • Construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue


Step 1

Demonstrate “drawing with scissors” by cutting shapes for different parts of the animal body.

Step 2

Demonstrate arranging shapes on background paper.

Step 3

Arrange shapes in a different way before deciding on a final composition and gluing.

Step 4

Have students cut, arrange, arrange again, then glue their shapes onto background paper.


What would you like us to know about your animal? What shapes and colors did you use to create your animal? Why?

Writing Prompt (optional):

Students will write about what shapes they used for their animal collage.

I used ___________(shape word).


Collage, arrange, close to, next to, on top of, overlap, background, details


Photos of animals

Geometric shape chart

Organic shape chart