We will use Ebony drawing pencils to create an abstract composition. Students will be able to create a variety of marks, lines, and imaginary shapes.
- Ebony pencils
- White drawing paper – 12 x 18″
Step 1
Introduce Ebony pencils. Explore how these are different from #2 pencils.
Step 2
Demonstrate using Ebony pencils to make marks. Marks can be thick, thin, straight, curly, bumpy, wavy, zigzag, spiral, dotted, or broken.
Step 3
Show what happens when a line closes and explore drawing imaginary shapes.
Step 4
Have students explore drawing different marks, lines, and shapes. Have students think about where they will place the marks on their paper.
- What was your favorite mark, line, or shape that you created with the Ebony drawing pencils?
- Can you describe one thing you learned about using Ebony pencils that you didn’t know before?
Mark, imaginary shapes, composition, line (curly, bumpy, wavy, zigzag, spiral dotted, broken)