Artists are inspired by the places they live, visit, and have memories of. They try to capture how those places look and feel in their artwork. Is there a place that inspires you? Can you remember what it feels like to be there?
Materials and Tools
- Viewfinder
- Drawing tool (pencil, pen, crayon, etc.)
- Paper or sketchbook
Take a moment to look out your window.
- What details do you notice?
Experiment with your viewfinder. Close one eye and look through it to frame a section of your view. Play with the angle that you hold it at. Try moving it near to you and far away.
Use your viewfinder to focus on an interesting section of your view. Draw only what you can see inside the frame.
Add the shapes, textures and shadows you can see.
- How does this view make you feel? Can you express this feeling in the marks and lines you make?
Different light and weather can change how a place looks and feels.
Return to your window at a different time of day, or when the weather has changed. Does the view feel different?
Try drawing the same view again, showing the changes you notice.
- What differences can you see in your drawings?

New York.

Written By:
Julie Applebaum, Senior Director
Andrea Burgay, Director of Digital Learning
These educational materials were created through a partnership with Studio in a School NYC and The Hepworth-Wakefield and made possible by the generosity of The Burberry Foundation.
Copyright © 2023 Studio in a School NYC LLC