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Daily Sketch

Explore Daily Sketches

Discover prompts designed to inspire observation and imaginative approaches to drawing scenes and objects in your home or surroundings. Perfect for quick daily sketches or more detailed drawings, new activities are added regularly—so visit often for fresh ideas to explore!

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Find an object you’d like to draw.

Personal Significant Object

Choose a three-dimensional object that is special to you.

Mapping Memories Indoors

What indoor spaces have special memories for you?

Mapping Memories Outdoors

Think of a special outdoor place that you used to visit.

Feel This, Mark That

What does the word “feeling” mean to you?

Design a Mural

Have you ever seen a mural in your neighborhood?

Winter Shadows

Take a walk on a sunny day and look for shadows.

Puddle Pictures

Go outside after a rainstorm and find a puddle.

What Color is the Sky?

Look at the sky at different times of day and during different kinds of weather. 


Learn More About Studio in a School

Studio in a School fosters the creative and intellectual development of New York City youth through quality visual arts programs, directed by arts professionals.