In this activity, children will explore different textured papers and use them to make a collage.
- Corrugated paper, velour paper, sandpaper, or other textured paper
- Background paper
- Glue in a cup
- A craft stick to spread the glue OR a glue stick

Explore the different textured papers you have using your senses. Pick up one at a time.
First, look with your eyes. What do you see?
Feel it with your hand. Does it feel smooth, soft, rough, or bumpy?
Does it make a sound? Try running your finger over it quickly, but gently. What kind of sound does it make?

How will you arrange these textures on your background paper?
- Will you put them close together? Or far apart?
- Will you overlap and put one piece on top of another? How does it feel where the pieces are overlapped?

After you’ve arranged your textures, it’s time to glue. Pick up one piece at a time. Make sure you put the glue on the side you don’t want to see in your collage.
- Then, dip, dip, dip the stick into the glue.
- Wipe, wipe, wipe the drip on the edge of the cup.
- And spread, spread, spread the glue onto each shape.
Press each shape down where it was.

Look at your finished collage. How did you arrange your shapes?

Run your hand over your collage. How do the different textures feel?
Does your collage make a sound? What kind of sound does it make?
Try cutting or tearing your own shapes from textured paper!
How can you use scissors to cut the different textures? Are some harder to cut than others? Remember to be careful with scissors. Maybe you can use your hands to tear the paper.
After you’re done making shapes, you can arrange and glue them to make a collage.
Written by:
Andrea Burgay, Director of Digital Learning
Lesson Development:
Julie Applebaum, Senior Director
Sassy Kohlmeyer, Director of Early Childhood Programs
Copyright © 2024 Studio in a School NYC LLC