Students will experiment with painting techniques.
Grade Level, Media Theme/Big Idea, and Essential Questions.
Materials and Tools
- Tempera cake set or acrylic paint in plastic containers—red, yellow, blue, and white
- Water containers
- Variety of paint brushes
- Watercolor paper
- Sponge or paper towels
*Remove or limit the amount of black offered to students to encourage them to mix complementary colors to create the appearance of darker values instead of relying on black.
Students will understand that:
- Experimentation is a vital part of the artistic process.
- By exploring techniques, artists can feel more confident in their process.
- Artists refer to their previous experiences when working on new projects.
Students will be able to:
- Use their color mixing skills to mix secondary colors, tints, and neutral colors.
- Differentiate between different painting techniques.
- Create an experimental painting that utilizes color mixing skills and painting techniques.
Model Painting Techniques
- Wash, wet-on-wet, dry brush, layer
- Scumble, impasto; sgraffito (acrylic only)

Model Mixing Colors
Emphasize the following:
- Paint is built up from wash to layer.
- Artists work from light to dark.
- Artists work from simple to detailed.

Work Time:
As students create an experimental painting that incorporates different techniques, encourage them to:
- Start with light, thin washes.
- Layer to make darker colors where desired.
- Layer small shapes and details.
- Mix colors to fill the entire page.
- What is a new technique you experimented with? How might you be able to use it in the future?
- What was surprising about working with paint today?
Wash, wet-on-wet, dry brush, layer
Scumble, impasto; sgraffito (acrylic only)
Spencer Russell Lewis, Untitled