Students will edit the shape and size of the face, eyebrows, ears, hair, and neck to make their self-portrait look more believable.
Materials and Tools
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser—kneaded, vinyl, and/or gum
- Mirror
Students will understand that:
- Editing is an essential part of the artistic process.
Students will be able to:
- Use their understanding of facial anatomy to finish editing their self-portrait.
Editing the Jawline
Have students look in the mirror and compare the shape of their jaw to what they’ve drawn on their page.
Ask: What can you add or adjust?
Have students look closely in the mirror to determine how to adjust the overall size and shape of their face.
Demonstrate using your index finger to trace the outside of your jaw and cheeks.
Ask: What is the shape of their jaw? What is the shape of your cheeks?
Demonstrate correcting your jawline and the rest of your face.

Developing your Hair
Have students look in the mirror and compare the shape of their hairline to what they have on their page.
Ask: How can you adjust your hairline?
Demonstrate tracing the shape of your hairline while looking in the mirror.
Ask: Where does your hair rest on your head?
Demonstrate drawing your hair on both the top and sides of your head.

Continue developing the rest of your face.
Ask: What else can you add or adjust?
Demonstrate working to develop your drawing by comparing different features to the way they look in the mirror.

Add details
Ask: What details are necessary to draw to make your self-portrait look more like you?
Demonstrate adding details to your self-portrait.

Reflection Questions for Discussion
- Looking at how other artists use symmetry, proportion, and facial anatomy can help you with your own.
- Look at portraits by these artists for ideas:
- How can you tell these artists used proportion when they drew the eyes, noses and mouths of their subjects?