Artists adjust their self-portraits to make them look more like themselves.
Materials and Tools
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser—kneaded, vinyl, and/or gum
- Mirror
Students will understand that:
- Editing is an essential part of the artistic process.
Students will be able to:
- Use their understanding of facial anatomy to accurately edit their eyes, nose, and mouth.
Developing the Eyes
Have students look in the mirror and compare the shapes they’ve drawn as eyes to what they see in the mirror.
Ask: What can you add or adjust?
Discuss the anatomy of the eye—eyelids, iris, pupil, and eyelashes.
Demonstrate developing the eyes.

Developing the Nose
Have students look in the mirror and compare the shapes they’ve drawn for their nose to what they see in the mirror.
Ask: What can you add or adjust?
Discuss the anatomy of the nose—septum, nostrils, and bridge.
Ask: What kind of line can you use to draw your septum?
What kind of line could you draw to represent the bridge of your nose?
Demonstrate experimenting with different lines and shapes to describe the nose.

Developing the Mouth
Have students look in the mirror and compare the shapes they’ve drawn for their mouth to what they see in the mirror.
Ask: What can you add or adjust?
Discuss the anatomy of the mouth—top lip and bottom lip.
Demonstrate measuring the width of your mouth in comparison to your eye.
Ask: How wide is your mouth?
Demonstrate experimenting with different lines and shapes to describe your mouth.

Reflection Questions for Discussion
- What is one way you adjusted your eyes in your drawing?
- What is one way you adjusted your nose in your drawing?
- How did you adjust your mouth?
Edit: to make adjustments