In this collection, you’ll find lessons and activities focused on one of everyone’s favorite art mediums—drawing!
Drawing is not just about producing images on paper—it is a way to communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas. From the simplest scribbles to detailed representations, drawing can be approached in many ways, each providing unique possibilities. Whether it’s exploring marks and lines, drawing from close observation, or working from imagination, each method nurtures different skills and forms of expression.
Exploring Line and Shape
Explore line, shape, color, and pattern in the world around you and in works of art.
Still Life Drawing
Learn how to use composition, scale, and value to create still life drawings and build foundational skills in observation and representation.
Drawing Plants
Look closely at a plant and draw the different lines and shapes you see.
Landscape: Vision and Verse
Draw inspiration from classical Chinese landscape paintings and explore connections between poetry and visual expression.
Explore our most popular drawing lessons, units, and activities on Teach and Create Studio here.