In this unit, students will explore the basics of tempera painting, starting with how to use a paintbrush to create a variety of marks, lines, and shapes. They will also learn to mix primary colors to make secondary colors, brown, and a range of tints.
Materials and Tools
- Tempera paint (red, yellow, and blue)
- Trays
- Water bowls
- 1” flat paintbrushes
- Paper towels
- 12 x 18” paper
- Plastic cups
- Table coverings
Students will understand that:
- How a paintbrush is held, along with speed and movement, effects the marks, lines, and shapes produced.
- Freeform shapes are different from geometric shapes.
- Mixing primary colors creates secondary colors.
- Adding white to a color creates a tint.
- Mixing different combinations of the primary colors creates browns.
Students will be able to:
- Hold a paintbrush in various ways to create different effects, lines, and shapes.
- Paint a variety of freeform and geometric shapes.
- Mix colors to make secondary colors, tints, and browns.

Written By:
Nicola Giardina, Director of Teaching and Learning
Lesson Development:
Andrea Burgay, Director of Digital Learning
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