Teach and Create

Offering lesson plans for teachers, creative activities for families and students, and art-making inspiration for all. 

Visual Art Teaching and Learning Resources

Studio in a School believes that every student should have access to arts education.

Since 1977, Studio has brought visual arts instruction to New York City public school students.

Through Teach and Create, we’re sharing educational materials informed by our 45+ years to support teachers, families, and students: 

  • Follow Studio’s inquiry-based approach through both our individual and multi-lesson, sequential units
  • Engage with at-home activities and lessons for families, and students of all ages
  • Receive teaching support through our extensive resources, teaching tools, and case studies 

Individual and sequential art-making lessons for students of all ages.

Activities and lessons for children, families and artists of all ages.

Search our entire library of art making practices, prompts, sequential lessons.

Studio’s approach to visual arts instruction is thoughtful, effective, and something to celebrate!

Bring Studio to Your School

Teach at Studio in a School

Studio is regularly looking for new artist instructors to bring quality visual arts education to NYC public schools.